Raving Fans or Requests for Refunds?

Raving Fans or Requests for Refunds?
Raving fans of your online course or program always come back for more!

When it comes to online courses or online programs, clients can fall anywhere on this spectrum.

Where Are Your Clients?

If you aren’t getting enough sales of your program, or course, or people just aren’t signing up, the problem isn’t INSIDE your course, it is your offer. If you are getting a lot of requests for refunds on your program or course, or learners are just dropping out before they can achieve the promised results, then we need to look inside and see what is up. The problem isn’t usually in the content or with the presenter. The problem is most often in the way the content is laid out, organized or structured. Like with anything else in your business, you can have the best materials, processes, or ideas, but if they are not executed in the right way or the right order, you have a failure on your hands. Online courses and programs are no different. There is an order and a flow to creating online learning experiences for adults and their journey to raving fans or your brand!.

The Situation

Most business owners have the knowledge, the desire, the expertise, and the interested clients for a course, but course building is not their zone of genius. So, they compile their knowledge into a course or program, in a way that makes sense to them, package it up and offer it to the world. In the end, they are heartbroken with the results – less than spectacular results. That is because course building is an art AND a science!

For example, does your course promise to solve an immediate problem or pain that the target audience is experiencing? Is your offer compelling and clear about what they will be able to achieve or have at the end of your course or program? Does the content of the course captivate your audience? Does it motivate them to move forward, not only through the course but on to the next level of working with you? Is the promised result of your course something that your target client really feels compelled to achieve?

The Solution

Good news, if these components are not currently in your course or program, it does not mean a complete rewrite, or throwing it out and starting over! With some very targeted fixes, existing, underperforming courses are most often fixable. But how did this happen? These are all things that an experienced Course Designer considers from the beginning! That is also the difference between a Course Business Consultant and an instructional designer. The Course Business Consultant is knowledgeable about developing courses that grow your BUSINESS, not simply creating a well-formed course. By building business goals and flows into the course your learner follows a journey with you, learning, growing, and achieving the results you promised them, and then wanting more from you!

What to Do

Given the amount of time and focused attention it takes to plan, design, and develop an engaging, targeted, value-filled course, is that where you should be devoting your time? Even if you are a DIYer working on a budget, you would need to learn what it takes to create a course that your learners want to devour, turning them into raving fans, and doing it all on your own.

Don’t worry, whether you already have a course, or you are planning to build one on your own, or pay a professional to do it, I’ve got your solution.

If you have a course that is underperforming, check out this free 7-Day-Challenge to “Reimage your course”

If you are looking to create a course or program for your target audience, let me help you, even if you want to do it on your own. Let’s talk about what it could look like. Schedule a call and let’s see what is possible!

Your time is best spent in your Zone of Genius, let me use MY Zone of Genius to help you!

Published by Vicki Edge