For more than 30 years, Vicki has created hundreds of courses – personal and professional development, software and technical courses, and information products for business owners as well as industry giants like The Home Depot, IBM, and Equifax.

It seems like I have always been involved in training, since my early days, at my first job. I was always the person people sought out to teach them the things they needed to know. Then I found Training as a career, and fell in love!

But just knowing how to teach people, isn’t enough to create really powerful, transformational courses! That takes experience in creating all types of courses, for all types of learners, in all types of environments.

I have created and delivered one-on-one courses, group courses, product demonstration courses, web-based courses, self-paced courses, technical courses, and soft-skills courses.

I didn’t just create a course for myself, and then decide to do it for others!

I have a sizable portfolio of courses of all types, written for companies with big names, and not-so-big names. I’m not a One-Trick-Pony, when I sit down with my clients to discuss what they want from an online course in their business, I am more like an Unlimited-Trick-Pony!

I work with my clients to dig deep, discover information that they didn’t realize they knew, or even information they did know, but hadn’t thought through from such a new perspective.

My clients are experts in their fields, powerful professionals with much to share with the world, and a strategically written course designed as a part of their business, part of their value ladder, is a game-changer for them.

Working on that level of course development has shaped and streamlined the methods, systems, and workflows I, and my team use to work with our clients. We strive to be more than just instructional design or course writing, we help our clients get clarity on their ideal audience, the pain for which they are seeking relief and results, and how they need to learn that information for the best customer experience. There are many ways to achieve the desired results for your users and it is our job to help you find the best solution with the best results!

  • Learner experience and results are the #1 priority.
  • Customer Experience is the ultimate goal – Always.
  • Learners’ retention of the information and their ability to take action is key.
  • We strive for increasingly higher completion rates and return business for our clients.
  • Your expertise is your Zone of Genius, you shouldn’t have to learn Course Creation and Instructional Design just to help your clients become avid users of your application or platform. That’s MY Zone of Genius.

Book your consult now, find out more about how a Course Planning Workshop

can be the most important first step to building loyalty into your customer‘s onboarding journey

with powerful, value-packed online courses!